Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We received an email recently from a new
customer saying that she likes to take the small disposal paper cups
(like the dixie brand cups but NOT waxed). She puts a nut or
something "special" inside and crushes the cup before putting it
inside something else (like the
stainless steel treat cages or the
treat holders). Great
idea! Thanks for sharing! Editor's Note: We have
several very durable, refillable items that you can apply this same
idea to! Click here for more
"hideaway" options!

Ever wonder what to do with all those
telephone books that you've been collecting? You can cut them
on a band saw and weave through the cage bars so your birds can
shred and tear them apart. Messy but fun! The same
concept holds true for paperback books ... smaller books can be
given as is for the bigger beaks to destroy (hmmm ... we actually
have several hard cover books that were unintentionally parrot beak
modified J).
Recycling is important for all of us to
take seriously. Our birds can help! If you take several
pages of newspaper, roll them as tightly as you can, tie in the
center with vegetable tanned leather
strip, colored or natural sisal
leaving a "tail" so you can hang from the cage or tie to the side
of their playstand.
Won't take long at all for your birds to start tearing it up.
If you don't want the ink (most inks are soy based so they aren't
harmful) to get onto your bird, you can use white or colored bond
paper to get the same results.

Most of us have a plastic bottles
which are hopefully being recycled. Coco, the M2 pictured
left, thinks there is nothing better than putting some
corks into a quart size bottle and he
LOVES to work them out one at a time. Mixed with a few
wooden pieces to make it more
difficult, he spends hours with this inexpensive toy. The same
principle works with water bottles. Put a few corks, some
pistachios (or whole nuts that fit through the hole) and watch the
fun! You can even replace the plastic screw on top to let that
be part of the fun and make it a bit more challenging for your FID
(feathered kid).
rings and munch balls are
great foot toys or a great shredable component for other toys.
Use a few to change the looks of existing toys or put them into a
small, clean cardboard box along with some unsalted, no butter,
popped corn so you have a homemade
treasure chest for your parrot to explore, destroy and enjoy!

Since there are an abundance of woven (Easter type) baskets
available (be sure to check for the natural type, without nails or
varnish) and repurpose them as your parrot's personal toy basket!
Fill the basket with leftover, clean pre-loved pieces
of wood, (nut cage refills
work well too), shredded paper,
adding machine paper, whole nuts,
popped corn,
wooden ice cream spoons,
parropop (craft) sticks,
dried pasta, ParroStix, dried
or fresh peppers, corks, whole carrots,
fresh apples, etc. inside and put the basket on top or at the bottom
of the cage. Your bird can help themselves and you'll get more
mileage out of pre-chewed toys. Inexpensive way to get more
use from left over parts and if they chew up the basket ... just get
another from your local hobby shop! Note: leave the
paper on chopsticks since that's
part of the fun! |

Layer birdie bites or
bagels by putting them
over the chain of older toys to make them new looking again!
This is an inexpensive way to extend your parrot's chewing
you have lots of leftover 'pre-loved' parts from your bird's chewed toys?
Take a few clean pieces and put into a paper bag (like a lunch bag), twist the top,
tie with a vegetable tanned leather
strip, colored or natural sisal and attach
to the cage ... viola ... a new foraging toy for next to nothing!
Do you have a hint, tip or recipe that you'd like
to share with other parrot lovers? If so, please
it to us and if we use it ... we'll give you a free gift in with your next